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Merit Badge Counselors

The merit badge counselor is a key player in the Scout advancement program. Whatever your area of expertise or interest—whether it is a special craft or hobby (basketry, leatherwork, coin collecting), a profession (veterinary medicine, aviation, engineering), or perhaps a life skill (cooking, personal management, communications)—as a merit badge counselor, you can play a vital role in stirring a young man's curiosity about that particular topic. By serving as a merit badge counselor, you offer your time, knowledge, and other resources so that Scouts can explore a topic of interest. View & download a Merit Badge Counselor Interest form HERE. View & download Merit Badge Counselor training HERE. Blue Card instructions can be found HERE. Download Merit Badge Counselor list HERE (excel format).



Mr. Booker

American Cultures, American Labor, Backpacking, Basketry, Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the World, Communication, Cooking, Emergency Preparedness, Family Life, Fire Safety, Fish & Wildlife Management, Hiking, Indian Lore, Insect Study, Leatherwork, Oceanography, Public Speaking, Rifle Shooting, Scuba Diving, Swimming, Wilderness Survival, Wood Carving



Mrs. Campbell

American Business, American Cultures, American Heritage, American Labor, Archery, Art, Astronomy, Athletics, Backpacking, Bird Study, Camping, Cinematography, Chemistry, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Coin Collecting, Collections, Communications, Cooking, Crime Prevention, Disabilities Awareness, Dog Care, Emergency Preparedness, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science, Family Life, Fire Safety, First Aid, Forestry, Gardening, Genealogy, Geology, Graphic Arts, Home Repairs, Indian Lore, Insect Study, Journalism, Law, Lifesaving, Medicine, Music, Nature, Orienteering, Painting, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Pets, Photography, Pioneering, Plant Science, Public Health, Public Speaking, Reading, Safety, Salesmanship, Scholarship, Sports, Stamp Collecting, Swimming, Theater, Traffic Safety, Weather



Mr. Fry

Bugling, Chess, Computers, Digital Technology, Music, Programming, Reading, Theater



Mr. Jacoy

American Business, Coin Collecting, Cooking, Dog Care, Emergency Preparedness, Entrepreneurship, Inventing, Radio, Signaling, Truck Transportation, Weather



Mr. Montiel

American Business, American Heritage, Astronomy, Aviation, Bird Study, Camping, Environmental Science, Fire Safety, Geocaching, Hiking, Journalism, Kayaking, Movie Making, Nature, Photography, Pottery, Rowing, Scouting Heritage, Search & Rescue, Space Exploration, Sustainability, Whitewater, Wilderness Survival



Mr. Stensrud

Archery, Automotive Maintenance, Backpacking, Camping, Canoeing, Carpentry, Coin Collecting, Communications, Composite Material, Dog Care, Family Life, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Forestry, Golf, Hiking, Home Repairs, Motor boating, Pets, Photography, Pioneering, Plumbing, Rowing, Snow Sports, Sports, Stamp Collecting, Wilderness Survival, Wood Carving, Woodwork


Mrs. Stensrud

Art, Lifesaving, Salesmanship, Sculpture, Small-boat Sailing



Mr. Urban

Architecture, Drafting, Model Design & Building, Snow Sports, Woodwork


Mrs. Urban

Cycling, First Aid, Genealogy, Medicine, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Public Health, Sports

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