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Adult Volunteer Information & Learning Center


The courses in the Online Training Center (OLC) can help adult leaders deliver quality Scouting experiences to youth. A log-in is required, however anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit.

Joining Courses

  • Youth Protection Training

  • YP Pledge Cards

  • Fast Start Orientation

  • This is Scouting

  • Scouting Safety Begins W/Leadership

These courses are required for all new registered leaders & volunteers and must be retaken every two years to maintain registration. A login is required, but anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of the BSA may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit.

Safety First

Boy Scouting is a boy-led, boy-run program, but the boys must be trained to be leaders. Adult role models in Scouting provide an ideal learning experience for all youth. Every adult volunteer has something valuable to offer. On a typical weekend campout, Scouts might work with an adult volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge and with a Scout mom to learn orienteering, go on a 5-mile hike with another adult leader, and end the day learning how to clean and cook fresh fish from someone else.

Additional Training Available

Use the Online Learning Center link for the following training courses:

  • Boy Scout Leader Fast Start

  • Youth Protection Training

  • Trek Safely

  • Hazardous Weather - Planning and Preparing

  • This is Scouting (Replaces New Leader Essentials)

  • Safe Swim Defense

  • Safety Afloat

  • The Committee Challenge


Merit Badge Couselor Interest & Training & Interest


Check this link to the Pacific Harbors Council web site to learn more about training classes that are not available online. These training opportunities include:

  • Boy Scout Leader Specific Training

  • Wood Badge

  • Powderhorn

  • University of Scouting

Troop Photo Dropbox

Click HERE to request a link to have access to Troop 398's Photo Dropbox. You can upload or down load photos as needed. Please share photos of scouting events, meetings, trips and other memories so we might build a great history of this troop. Send me know your name, your scout's name and of course your email address. Keep the link private and share with only those who you wish to see the troop photos. Photos may be used on the website in gallaries, slideshows or promotion material.

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